Apycom DHTML Menu data file
Created by Apycom DHTML Tuner
// --- DHTML Tuner style names ---
var itemStylesNames=[];
var menuStylesNames=[];
// --- End of DHTML Tuner style names ---
//------- Common -------
var isHorizontal = 1;
var saveNavigationPath = 1;
var showByClick = 0;
var bottomUp = 0;
var orientation = 0;
var columnPerSubmenu = "";
var pressedItem = -2;
var blankImage = "images/spacer.gif";
var pathPrefix = "";
var statusString = "link";
//------- Menu -------
var menuWidth = "";
var menuBorderWidth = 1;
var menuBorderStyle = "none";
var menuBackImage = "";
//------- Menu Positioning -------
var absolutePos = 0;
var posX = 0;
var posY = 0;
var floatable = 0;
var floatIterations = 6;
var movable = 0;
var moveWidth = 12;
var moveHeight = 20;
var moveCursor = "default";
var moveImage = "";
//------- Submenu Positioning -------
var topDX = 0;
var topDY = 0;
var DX = -5;
var DY = 0;
//------- Font -------
var fontStyle = "normal 11px Arial";
var fontColor = ["#ffffff","#ffffff"];
var fontDecoration = ["none","none"];
//------- Items -------
var itemBorderWidth = 1;
var itemBorderStyle = ["solid","ridge"];
var itemBackImage = ["",""];
var itemAlign = "center";
var subMenuAlign = "";
var itemSpacing = 1;
var itemPadding = 2;
var itemCursor = "default";
var itemTarget = "_self";
//------- Colors -------
var menuBackColor = "#555555";
var menuBorderColor = "#555555";
var itemBackColor = ["#999999","#777777"];
var itemBorderColor = ["#aaaaaa","#A4A4A4"];
//------- Icons -------
var iconTopWidth = 24;
var iconTopHeight = 24;
var iconWidth = 16;
var iconHeight = 16;
var arrowImageMain = ["",""];
var arrowImageSub = ["",""];
var arrowWidth = 9;
var arrowHeight = 9;
//------- Separators -------
var separatorWidth = "100%";
var separatorHeight = "15";
var separatorAlignment = "left";
var separatorImage = "";
var separatorVWidth = "3";
var separatorVHeight = "100%";
var separatorVImage = "";
//------- Visual Effects -------
var transparency = "100";
var transition = 0;
var transDuration = 300;
var transOptions = "";
var shadowLen = 3;
var shadowTop = 0;
var shadowColor = "#777777";
//------- CSS Mode -------
var cssStyle = 0;
var cssClass = "";
//------- MAC OS Additional -------
var macIEoffX = 10;
var macIEoffY = 15;
var macIEtopDX = 0;
var macIEtopDY = 2;
var macIEDX = -3;
var macIEDY = 0;
var menuItems = [
function menuItems($parent_id,$counter){
global $Db;global $site_lvl;
$sql = "select cid,name,permissions FROM category where parent='$parent_id' and name!='archive' and (permissions='$site_lvl' OR permissions='4') ORDER by sort_order";
$result = $Db->query($sql);
$num = $Db->numrows($result);
$catid2 = $Db->result($result, $i, "cid");
$catid2=ereg_replace(" ","",$catid2);
$name2 = $Db->result($result, $i, "name");
$permissions = $Db->result($result, $i, "permissions");
//$name2 = ereg_replace('\\',"",$name2);
$name2 = ereg_replace("'","\'",$name2);
$pipe.= "|";
echo " [\"$pipe $name2 \",\"$location\", , , , , , , , , , ],";
function get_location($parent_id){
global $Db;global $site_lvl;
$sql2 = "select location,did from documents where did IN (select did FROM descr_binding where cid='$parent_id' and (permissions='$site_lvl' OR permissions='4') and main='T')";
$result2 = $Db->query($sql2);
$num2 = $Db->numrows($result2);
$GLOBALS["countemup"]++;$GLOBALS["newMenuLink"]= $Db->result($result2, 0, "did");
$location= $Db->result($result2, 0, "location");
return $location;
function checkForMainInTree($parent_id,$counter){
global $Db;global $site_lvl;
$sql2 = "select location from documents where did IN (select did FROM descr_binding where cid='$parent_id' and (permissions='$site_lvl' OR permissions='4') and main='T')";
$result2 = $Db->query($sql2);
$num2 = $Db->numrows($result2);
if($num2>0){ return true; exit;}
$sql = "select cid,name,permissions FROM category where parent='$parent_id' and name!='archive' and (permissions='$site_lvl' OR permissions='4') ORDER by sort_order";
$result = $Db->query($sql);
$num = $Db->numrows($result);
$cid = $Db->result($result, $i, "cid");
//look for a main file for this category
$sql2 = "select location from documents where did IN (select did FROM descr_binding where cid='$cid' or cid='$parent_id' and (permissions='$site_lvl' OR permissions='4') and main='T')";
$result2 = $Db->query($sql2);
$num2 = $Db->numrows($result2);
// ["Backend User Administration","", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["|Add User","add_sys_user.php", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["||Edit Users","update_sys_user.php", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["|My Documents","", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["Company Documents","", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["Online Documents","", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["Intranet Map","", , , , , , , , , , ],
// ["PPP Forums","", , , , , , , , , , ],